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Malt Beer

  • Malt beer is made primarily from malted barley and water, without much use of adjuncts or other grains.
  • This allows the malt flavor to be front and center, exhibiting bready, grainy, toasty, biscuity, caramel notes.
  • Tends to have high malt complexity but lower bitterness and alcohol compared to intensely hopped styles.
  • Originated in Northern Europe including countries like Germany, Belgium, Britain, and the Netherlands.
  • Most malt-focused beer styles are ales fermented at warmer temperatures to develop malt character.
  • Examples include Düsseldorfer Altbier, California Common Beer, Dunkels, brown ales, mild ales, and English bitters.
  • These feature base malts like Pilsner, Munich, and Vienna malts. Specialty malts add color and richer maltiness.
  • Hops generally only provide supportive bitterness to balance the malt instead of being prominently featured.
  • The emphasis on malt over hops allows the subtle aromas and flavors of the grains to be appreciated.
  • Food pairings benefit from malty beers' sweet, toasty flavors. Examples are burgers, BBQ, grilled meats, smoked cheeses.
  • Provides a malt-forward alternative to hop-centric styles for beer lovers interested in grain character.

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