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Craft Beer

  • Craft beer refers to beer made by independent, small breweries using traditional methods and quality ingredients.
  • The craft beer movement originated in the 1970s in the US as a response to mass-produced corporate beers. Iconic pioneers include Sierra Nevada, Samuel Adams, and New Belgium.
  • Craft breweries focus on creativity, flavor, and brewing technique rather than low cost and mass production. Their beers often use bold hops, fruit, spices, or experimental recipes.
  • Common styles of craft beer include India Pale Ales (IPAs), sour beers, stouts, Belgian-style ales, and seasonal releases. Craft lagers are also gaining popularity.
  • Ingredients are key. Craft brewers tend to use high quality, often local malted barley, interesting yeast strains, and aromatic hops for flavor. Many avoid corn, rice, and adjuncts used by large brewers.
  • Craft beer has hugely grown in popularity in recent decades. Today there are thousands of craft breweries operating globally.
  • The craft beer scene is known for its creativity, artistry, community, and independent spirit. Brewers frequently collaborate and innovate.
  • Flavor, aroma, and appearance matter more than cost. As a result, craft beer pricing is generally higher than corporate macrobrews.
  • The term "craft beer" differentiates small independent breweries from larger corporate producers and common beer brands like Budweiser and Coors.

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